Sunday, January 30, 2011


Our first weekend back in the bay area David came to visit and we had a gorgeous summery day and hung around in Dolores park enjoying the sun. After cold and rainy Paris, it was fabulous to get some sunshine.


We passed through Geneva towards the end of our trip and got to see lots of friends. Here we are overlooking the city and mountains, babies strapped to our chests - this is how the twins experienced the trip most of the time... carried around in front packs.

Oh the places I've nursed...

One of the challenging things about the trip was that the babies were hungry every hour and a half to two hours during the day. So I spent a lot of time thinking about where we were going to be able to nurse if we were out.
In the course of the trip I nursed in airports, airplanes, trains, train stations, sitting on the ground in a farmer's market, perched on a bench in the tuilleries gardens, and in the main gallery of the musee d'orsay among other places.
The other challenge was places to change the diapers. Thomas had the dubious pleasure of having his diaper changed on the table in a bar in Paris. The waiter totally gave us the stink eye for that one...


The main reason we went to Europe for the holidays was to be at a family reunion. We're very glad we went, especially because Alexis' grandmother passed away the last day of the reunion. We're glad we got to spend time with her and introduce Thomas and Camille to their great grandmother before she died. She touched many lives in her 98 years and we will miss her. We can only hope to live as long and as well as she did.